Report from the Graduation of the 29th edition of EMBA@UW
On Saturday, June 24, 2023, at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw, a ceremonial Graduation of Students of the 29th edition of the Executive MBA@UW program was held. This event was special because we recorded the highest attendance in the entire history of the program - the presence of both Alumni, guests and current students who watched the ceremony waiting for them next year was great.
The graduation ceremony was attended by J.M. Rector of the University of Warsaw prof. dr hab. Alojzy Z. Nowak, Dean of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Karasiewicz, Director of the MBA@UW Program Dr. Tomasz Ludwicki, Vice-President of the Management Board of Bank Pekao S.A. Magdalena Zmitrowicz, supervising the Corporate Banking Division, who gave an occasional lecture, and Piotr Sota, vice-president of the Alumni Association. We were also honored by the presence of special guests, including prof. Nicholas Petruzzi, Dr. Agnieszka Wilczak, Dr. Robert Pietrusiński, as well as families and friends of the Graduates and the choir of the Collegium Musicum of the University of Warsaw.
The welcome speech was delivered by the Dean of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Karasiewicz, who referred to the financial results of the University of Warsaw and talked about the role of the Executive MBA@UW program for the entire institution. After the welcome speech, prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Karasiewicz, Dean of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw, invited Magdalena Zmitrowicz, a graduate of the 27th edition of emba@UW, vice-president of the Management Board of Bank Pekao S.A., to deliver an occasional lecture. supervising the Corporate Banking Division, who talked about building her career and motivated the Graduates to act and use the skills acquired during studies in shaping the workplace.
After the speeches, it was time for the awarding of prizes and diplomas. Special congratulations are due to the students who received the award for the highest grade point average.
From the 29th English-language edition of the Program:
3. Piotr Fabjanski
2. Joanna Romanowicz
1. Jacob Foreman, Piotr Kobylinski, Beata Fedyk
From the 29th Polish-language edition of the Program:
3. Marcin Podziemski, Przemysław Oszczapiński
2. Robert Makuch
1. Mariusz Tabala, Jan Mrozowski
From the 29th edition of the EMBA Program (Purple):
3. Adam Kot, Izabela Kuszner, Tomasz Murawski
2. Daniel Glegoła, Łukasz Gradowski, Adrianna Koc, Jan Maria Kowalski,
Pachońska Marlena, Róża Sierzega
1. Dariusz Chełmicki
After the awarding of diplomas and the singing of the anthem "Gaude Mater Polonia" by the excellent Collegium Musicum Chamber Choir of the University of Warsaw, prizes were awarded to the best lecturers selected by anonymous voting by Students.
These awards were won by:
From the XXIX edition of the Program in English:
III dr Tomasz Ludwicki and dr Anna Kuźmińska
2nd Professor Nicholas C. Petruzzi
and Dr. Jovana Stanisljevic
From the 29th Polish-language edition of the Programme:
III Dr. Tomasz Ludwicki
2nd MA Elżbieta Makowska and Prof. Adam Chmielewski
From the XXVIII edition of the EMBA Program (Purple):
III dr Agnieszka Wilczak
II dr Tomasz Ludwicki and dr Jovana Stanisljevic
and Prof. Mariusz Trojanowski
This year, once again, we had the pleasure of hosting prof. Nicholas Petruzzi, so that he could receive the award in person and participate in the ceremony.
Award-winning teams
From the XXIX edition of the Program in English:
For a team composed of:
Beata Fedyk
Piotr Kobylinski
Marta Liszka
Alice Pollesch
From the 29th Polish-language edition of the Program:
Tomasz Grodek
Robert Makuch
Jan Mrozowski
Lukasz Packowski
For a team composed of:
Tomasz Laszuk
Przemyslaw Oszczapinski
Marcin Podziemski
David Sikorski
Agata Szkup
For a team composed of:
Piotr Ambicki
Anna Didiuk
Matylda Lipinska
Darius Pelka
Grzegorz Stanclik
From the 29th edition of the EMBA Program (Purple):
For a team composed of:
Tomasz Murawski
Adam Kot
Martyna Nowakowska
Daniel Glegola
Jędrzej Fryc
For a team composed of:
Adrianna Koc
Róża Sierżęga
Darius Chelmicki
Jan Maria Kowalski
Lukasz Gradowski
Karol Goluch
After the award ceremony, representatives of the groups gave short speeches in which they summed up their study time, thanked their relatives for their support, and also thanked their classmates for a wonderful time.
Speeches were given by:
on behalf of the students of the 29th edition of the program in English - Jacob Foreman
on behalf of the students of the 29th edition of the program in Polish - Przemysław Oszczapiński
on behalf of the students of the 29th edition of the Purple Executive MBA - Bartosz Żukowski
After these thanks, Piotr Sota, vice-president of the WIEMBA Alumni Association and EMBA@UW, congratulated the newly minted Alumni, inviting them to participate in many interesting and attractive activities conducted by the Association (
The official part of the ceremony ended with a speech delivered by the Rector, prof. dr hab. Alojzy Z. Nowak. Then, the graduates were invited to refreshments at the EMBA@UW halls at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw, to say goodbye to the Faculty in a less formal atmosphere, and in the evening our graduates celebrated their successes at the Ball organized by the WIEMBA Alumni Association and EMBA@UW.
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