Tomasz Németh, President of the Management Board, CEO of Gedeon Richter Polska Sp. z o.o., Graduate of the XXI Edition

The three most important qualities of the course are:

1. Cooperation: most of the assignments are done in small groups, so the members of these small groups have to learn to cooperate, delegate tasks and establish a common position. Taking into consideration the fact that almost all students are senior executives, this alone provides a valuable experience in itself.

2. Perspective: despite the fact that most of the subjects are known, especially for people who graduated from economics or management, these subjects are presented from a slightly different perspective which broadens one’s horizons.  Very important is the fact that the lectures and exercises focus on practical application of a particular subject and do not break against scientific theories.

3. Community: Different industries, different people but also many valuable contacts. Practices applied in seemingly completely different industries can be implemented in one’s own company and vice versa.