The Executive MBA @ UW program is one of the best MBA programs in Poland - accredited by international organizations AMBA and EQUIS and occupying leading places in rankings. Our students and graduates sit on the boards of leading companies in the country and abroad, successfully combining practical knowledge gained at Executive MBA @ UW with their own, often many years of professional experience.
During our studies, we offer engaging and extremely interesting activities. In the academic year 2020/21 they will start according to plan and will be conducted in the traditional form in the lecture hall. If this is not possible due to the coronavirus pandemic for some time, we are 100% prepared to conduct online classes. If you want to learn more - we invite you to an on-line information meeting. About the organization of studies, the curriculum, lecturers and everything that may interest the candidates, will tell dr Tomasz Ludwicki, Director of the EMBA @ UW program.
We invite you to participate in an online meeting with EMBA @ UW studies.
The idea that guided us during the organization of this series was the desire to bring EMBA studies closer to potential participants in a convenient way - through online meetings.
We plan the next one on June 17, 2020 at 2 pm.
It will be devoted to the general themes of EMBA. During the meeting, we will present the most important information about the study program, accreditations, lecturers and graduates.
Participation in the meeting is free, but please register.
The Executive MBA @ UW program is one of the best MBA programs in Poland - accredited by international organizations AMBA and EQUIS and occupying leading places in rankings. Our students and graduates sit on the boards of leading companies in the country and abroad, successfully combining practical knowledge gained at Executive MBA @ UW with their own, often very rich professional experience.
During our studies, we offer engaging and extremely interesting activities. In the academic year 2020/21 they will start according to plan and will be conducted in the traditional form in the lecture hall. If this is not possible due to the coronavirus pandemic for some time, we are 100% prepared to conduct online classes.
If you want to learn more - we invite you to an on-line information session.
The Executive MBA @ UW program is one of the best MBA programs in Poland - accredited by international organizations AMBA and EQUIS and occupying leading places in rankings. Our students and graduates sit on the boards of leading companies in the country and abroad, successfully combining practical knowledge gained at Executive MBA @ UW with their own, often very rich professional experience.
During our studies, we offer engaging and extremely interesting activities. In the academic year 2020/21 they will start according to plan and will be conducted in the traditional form in the lecture hall. If this is not possible due to the coronavirus pandemic for some time, we are 100% prepared to conduct online classes.
If you want to learn more - we invite you to an on-line information session.
We invite you to participate in an online meeting with EMBA @ UW studies.
The idea that guided us during the organization of this series was the desire to bring EMBA studies closer to potential participants in a convenient way - through online meetings.We plan the next ones on May 21 at 5 pm. It will be devoted to the general themes of EMBA. During the meeting, we will present the most important information about the study program, accreditations, lecturers and graduates.
Participation in the meeting is free, but please register.
On May 29, 2019, at 6 pm we are organizing another information meeting regarding the new, already 27th edition of the Executive MBA program, organized by the International Management Center, Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw.
Recruitment is conducted for the academic year 2019/2020.
The meeting will take place
May 29, 2019 at 6 p.m.
at 4 Nowy Świat, 2nd fl., room 200
All those interested in participating in the 27th edition of the Executive MBA Program at the University of Warsaw are invited to an
AACSB International - Established in 1916, (AACSB) is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business | ||
The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) - is an international association of business, public service organizations and consultancy in the field of management development |
International Management Center
1/3 Szturmowa Street
02-678 Warsaw, POLAND
tel/fax: +48 22 625 32 83
e-mail: [email protected]