Date: Thursday, 11 January 2018, from 18.00 - 24.00 (with the option of extending the event)
Venue: PROXIMA Club (Warsaw, Żwirki i Wigury 99A street) - The club is exclusive.
Organizer: Krzysztof Pajączek and the EMBA Association of the University of Warsaw
Number of participants: approx. 150 people
Musical setting: DJ (from 19.00-24.00)
Menu: in the form of a buffet (between 19.00 - 20.00)
Alcohol and soft drinks: 4h open bar for soft drinks, beer, white and red wine, vodka, hours. 19.00-23.0
The cost of participation: 20 PLN per person. The price will include 4h open-bar, menu in the form of a Swedish buffet, DJ, renting a back-project screen
Date and amount of payments: Payments in the amount of PLN 20 per person please, by January 8, 2018, send to my account at mBank: Krzysztof Pajączek (account no. 30 1140 2004 0000 3402 4954 3864). Payment title: PROXIMA and give the names of the people you pay for. The payment is tantamount to the application. The association has gained an additional sponsor, hence the cost of participation in the meeting is symbolic. I am asking you to make payments, as catering for the meeting will be ordered based on their number.
If You wish to sttend the meeting write to: Krzysztof Pajączek - [email protected]; + 48 723 998 528
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