Solemn Graduation of Executive MBA @ UW students: September 19, 2020
On Saturday, September 19, 2020 at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw, Graduation of Executive MBA @ UW program students took place. This year's graduates received MBA diplomas and postgraduate certificates in the sanitary regime in the largest hall of the Faculty. Congratulations to all students for their excellent academic results, in particular to all those awarded for the highest grade point average and awarded for preparing the best consulting projects!
Our sincere thanks go to the Partner of the Executive MBA @ UW Program:
and Mr. Leszek Skiba, Vice President of the Bank, managing the work of the Management Board, who honored our ceremony with an occasional lecture.
We also thank the Rector of the
Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, who was with us that day, as well as prof. Grzegorz Karasiewicz, Dean of the
Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw
and our colleagues from the Faculty of Management who helped us organize the entire celebration in a safe manner, in accordance with epidemiological recommendations. As in previous years, the Graduation could not be missek by the Association of Executive MBA Program Alumni at the University of Warsaw in the person of the President of the Association, Sylwester Wybranowski.
Congratulations to all students who received their diplomas on that day, Director of the Executive MBA @ UW program, Dr. Tomasz Ludwicki, and welcome to the group of Alumni!
More photos from Graduation 2020 are available in the Gallery.
Photography: Tomasz Myśluk
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