Added: 26 czerwca 2018
Prof. Alojzy Nowak, Dean of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw, was the master of ceremony. In addition, the event was attended by: Michał Kurtyka, PhD, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Energy, Tomasz Ludwicki, PhD, Director of EMBA at the University of Warsaw, the Graduates and their Families. The ceremony was also attended by the representative of the long-term Partner of the Executive MBA Program: Mr. Jerzy Ciempiel, Country HR Manager ABB Sp. z o.o, awarding students who prepared the best work in strategy.
Michał Kurtyka, PhD, delivered a special lecture, inspiring the graduates to develop their interests and professional careers. After the lecture, Tomasz Ludwicki, PhD, honored Mr. Jerzy Ciempiel with the Medal for Merit for the University of Warsaw. Then the best EMBA Students and Professors received their awards.
The best students for achieveing the highest average grade:
in the English edition of the Program:
1. Robert Chlebosz
2. Michał Kasprzyk
in the Polish edition of the Program (ex-aequo):
1. Agnieszka Komoszka and Marek Rząsowski
The team composed of: Joanna Różeńska, Robert Chlebosz, and Michał Kacprzyk was awarded for The Best Strategy Work. The award was funded by ABB Polska.
The team composed of: Paweł Majcherkiewicz, Grzegorz Korzuszek, Patryk Madaj and Piotr Kozubski was awarded for The Best Consulting Project in the English edition.
Two teams were awarded for the Best Consulting Project in the Field of Strategic Management in the Polish edition:
1. For the implementation of innovative technologies: Tomasz Grzybowski and Tomasz Żukociński.
2. For cognitive curiosity and concept development: Karolina Stachowicz-Lada, Magdalena Ogrodnik, Rafał Bulski, Sebastian Nowak.
The following professors were distinguished as the best lecturers of the XXIVth edition of the EMBA: Prof. Nicholas Petruzzi, Mieczysław Grudziński, PhD, Adam Chmielewski, PhD and Tomasz Ludwicki, PhD.
Prof. Alojzy Nowak and Tomasz Ludwicki, PhD, congratulated the graduates and their lecturers. Dean Nowak stressed the importance of the Executive MBA graduates for both the University and the Polish economy as a whole. Professor Nowak pointed out the important role of cooperation and joint action in today's management model.
The following speakers spoke on behalf of the graduates: Jacek Kuczyński, International Marketing Manager at SVANTEK (on behalf of the English-speaking thread) and Michał Tomczak (on behalf of the Polish-speaking thread), who thanked all fellow students, their families, lecturers and the team of The International Center of Management at the Warsaw University.
Then the floor was given to Mr. Tomasz Kacprzak, the President of the Association of Alumni of the Executive MBA Program at the University of Warsaw, who invited all graduates to join the Association.
The ceremony ended with the speech of Tomasz Ludwicki, PhD, who summed up the four demanding semesters of studies and thanked the students for their commitment during the XXIVth edition of the Executive MBA at the University of Warsaw.
The Graduation ceremony was graced with an impressive performance of “Gaude Mater Polonia” and “Gaudemaus Igitur” by the University of Warsaw Choir.
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