Report from the ski trip of EMBA @ UW graduates on January 19-23, 2022. to Jaworzyna Krynicka.
Traditionally, once a year, a large group of EMBA @ UW graduates participated in a ski trip to Jaworzyna Krynicka on January 19-23, 2022. As in previous years, we were accommodated at Koliba Krynicka located on the top of Jaworzyna Krynicka at an altitude of 1114 m above sea level, near the upper station of the gondola lift.
Nearly 40 people participated in the trip. The size of the group seems optimal, which facilitates integration and building relationships. It is an amazing pleasure for trip participants to start skiing on the morning ski corduroy, often before the ski gondola lift is in operation. Traditionally, there were also cases where people who arrived in Krynica after 6.00 p.m. rode up the mountain with a snow groomer (in earlier years, as there was more snow, also snowmobiles).
This year, for the first time, there was a group of 6 people, who on one day, accompanied by a skitour instructor, climbed at a good pace from the bottom gondola station to the summit of Jaworzyna Krynicka, and then went down on skitours. Most likely, the ski touring day will become a permanent part of the tradition of our trips to Krynica, next year there will be more people willing to go skiing (some people resigned due to the lack of appropriate outfit, which, as you know, differs from the typical ski outfit). Next year we are going to Jaworzyna Krynicka again, it will be the fifth trip - a small jubilee .. Date: January 25-29, 2023. The whole Koliba will be ours again. We invite you to participate!
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