Aleksander Sosnowski, Country Director for Information Systems, Country Director for Quality and Operational Excellence, ABB, Graduate of XXIII Edition Most of us applying to study MBA at the Warsaw University have four main goals: to gain new theoretical knowledge from economics and widely understood business, systemize the knowledge, meet interesting people from various industries and to experience a fun adventure. I wasn’t very different from most of the students and that was exactly the attitude I started the program with. After spending a year and a half on Nowy Świat Street, I can say with great certainty that I wasn’t wrong. Everything I expected from the program, the lecturers and my colleagues was given to me in excess. But the intensity of the courses and the high demands overgrew my expectations. If you are not ready to spend many hours and weekends at school, work in the evenings and on several nights – way aside – this program and this University is not for you. It is really hard to reconcile business challenges at work with studying, getting ready for lectures and exams. But at the end it is worth it. The moment after the thesis defense, partying after classes and the trip to India will remain in my memories for a long time (I hope the gained knowledge as well : ) ). |