Sylwester Gabriel Wybranowski,
Menedżer ds. Sprzedaży Apartamentów, Dom Development S.A., Graduate of the XXI Edition
Executive MBA means business plus emotions wrapped up in academic patterns.
After finishing the final project presentation, one may breathe a sigh of relief. Immediately, though, comes the time for reflection and answering the question: “What did my life look like before?”. Three semesters full of sacrifices, sleepless nights, waking up in the morning, tons of analyzed documents, hundreds of pages of text read, numerous meetings with people one did not know before and hours spent on discussions.
Executive MBA Program is a search for balance. Each of the program participants comes with a baggage of experience from various fields and segments of the market. For many years, my professional experience had been related to the property development market, primarily in the field of sales. For me personally, Executive MBA Program was the next planned step in the search for the ability to maintain full awareness and balance. In the current reality in which access to information is becoming faster and easier, balance and awareness allow you to make the most informed decisions.
Executive MBA Program is a search of balance on the level of emotions in business. So many examples of conflicts and their solutions are not purely down to numbers alone, that is the financial aspects of doing business, but also result from correct reading of human emotions and correct, conscious reactions.
Executive MBA Program is a challenge to search for the balance in relations with others. Almost overnight, you become a member of a group that comprises people of all ages, with varying degrees of professional, cultural, emotional and family experience. The only solution is to offer your support to the whole group, because only in this way can you receive the support of all the members. At the end, it will turn out that many of these people will become your friends or business partners.
Therefore when we breathe the sigh of relief after the presentation of the final project, it will dawn on us that we have become a part of an elite community of Executive MBA Graduates.