We invite you for the pre-Christmas, St. Nicholas and last "Coffee with Dudek" this year.
On July 9-12, the long-awaited study trip to Cambridge, "Cambridge Interlude", took place. The event was attended by our students, but also graduates.
We cordially invite our Graduates to the Graduation of the 29th edition, which will take place on June 24, 2023 at 10:00 in auditorium A at the Faculty of Management at Szturmowa 1/3 street.
On Saturday, June 25, 2022, the Student Graduation ceremony of the XXVIII edition of the Executive MBA @ UW program took place at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw. This event was special because it could take place without COVID-19 restrictions on the number of invited guests. Thanks to this, our graduates could invite their families and friends to celebrate the end of the program and the receipt of the diploma together.
On behalf of the Management Board of the Warsaw-Illinois Executive MBA Alumni Association and Executive MBA @ UW, we cordially invite you to a croudfunding action to help for Ukraine.
We will spend the collected funds on the purchase of dressings and medicines, which will be transported to the parish in Łuck (we are in touch with the parish priest and we know about their needs).
Link to the collection: https://zrzutka.pl/4bherd
Note: You do not have to pay 10% for the websiterzutka.pl. It is enough not to mark the check-box.
Deadline for payments: March 3, 2022
On the part of the association, the action is coordinated by our board member - Łukasz Trzos (If you have any questions, please contact Łukasz - phone no. 502 618 512, e-mail: [email protected]).
Łukasz's wife runs a pharmacy in Lublin (https://apteka-grazyny-18-lublin.business.site/) and has access to the pharmaceutical market. The pharmacy gives up the margin and negotiates with wholesalers the best conditions for the purchase of dressings and medicines.
Purchased items will be transported to Łuck by Łukasz's friend (https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008563304973), who from Friday helps families in Ukraine get to the border crossing from Poland (he takes them by car to the border)
We encourage you to support and thank you in advance on behalf of people from Ukraine.
Sylwester Wybranowski & Krzysztof Pajączek
On November 18, a ceremony related to the Forum of Leaders of Management Education was held, during which the issues of management and managerial education in our country were discussed. As part of the event, two discussion panels were organized: "The evolution of management and economic studies - whom and how to educate for the needs of the popandemic labor market" (rector) and "Competitive advantages of MBA programs - what are they, where do they evolve, how to measure them?" (managerial).
Last Saturday, September 18, at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw, the Graduation of Students of the XXVII edition of the Executive MBA@UW program took place. This Event was special for us, because the last year of our Graduates' education was extremely difficult.
The restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the traditional course of study, forcing Students to participate in online classes. However, these difficult conditions did not prevent our persistent Students in passing their exams and earning the title of Master of Business Administration, which we are extremely proud of. In addition, we are starting the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the MBA program at University of Warsaw. In 1991, the first edition of the joint program of the University of Warsaw and the University of Illinois started classes.
We cordially invite you to watch the live broadcast of the Ceremonial Graduation of the 27PL and 27US cohorts and the Official Opening of the new venue of the International Management Center at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw.
The beginning of the ceremony on September 18 at 10:00.
Confirm Your participation at the 2021 EMBA@UW Graduation
On Monday, June 28, 2021, in the gardens of the University of Warsaw Library, the ceremony of the end of the 1st edition of the University of Warsaw Deans - a managerial education program co-financed by the European Social Fund under the OP KED in the Program of Integrated Actions for the Development of the University of Warsaw (ZIP) took place.
On Thursday, April 15, the inauguration of the 2nd edition of the Dean's Academy took place - a development program addressed to the top management of the University of Warsaw, financed by the Integrated Development Program for the University of Warsaw.
The program is implemented by the International Management Center at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw in cooperation with the Section for the development of competences of academic teachers operating at the Employee Affairs Office.
We are delighted to announce that the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw has recently completed the re-accreditation process of EQUIS, which strives to recognise quality and promote quality assessment in the world’s best business schools.
Alfons Sauquet, Quality Services & EQUIS Director, commented on the recent success: “Warm congratulations to the re-accredited institution, who have proved its resilience and dedication to go through the assessment process online in these ongoing uncertain times. We are looking forward to our following cooperation and wish them further accomplishments in the near future.”
2/3 companies in the Polish service industry are owned by women.
The 12th edition of the Businesswoman of the Year competition is starting.
In terms of entrepreneurship, Polish women rank high among the European Union countries - every third Polish company was founded and is run by a woman. The Lipstick Success Foundation has been supporting women entrepreneurs who are not afraid to pursue bold business, social and cultural projects and men who pursue a policy of diversity and inclusion for over 12 years.
In the previous editions of the Businesswoman of the Year competition, over a hundred women have been awarded, who, thanks to determination and commitment, have built companies not only nationwide, but also international. For many of them, this victory paved the way for further successes, facilitated entry into new markets and provided an opportunity to attract investors and business partners.
We are very pleased to inform you that EMBA @ UW has become the official partner of BUSINESS INSIDER Global TrendsFestival. We are convinced that it is one of the most interesting and most important business events this autumn.
Find out more and sign up today!
International edition of the conference starts on 19 October / Will explore impact of Covid-19 on global business / The first global conference to take place exclusively online / Interactive event with four stages in different times zones .
Special event - webinar with prof. Rita McGrath
On behalf of Open Innovation Network, We Innovators Club, and International Management Center at the Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, we would like to invite you to a webinar with prof. Rita McGrath on „Building strategic innovation capability”.
Prof. Rita McGrath is a best-selling author, a sought-after speaker, and a longtime professor at Columbia Business School. Rita is one of the world’s top experts on innovation and growth and is one of the most regularly published authors in the Harvard Business Review. She is consistently ranked among the Top 10 management thinkers in the world and was ranked #1 for strategy by Thinkers50. Rita is the author of the best-selling The End of Competitive Advantage (Harvard Business Review Press, 2013). Her new book is Seeing Around Corners: How to Spot Inflection Points in Business Before They Happen (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2019). For more information, visit RitaMcGrath.com.
Dr Tomasz Ludwicki, lecturer of strategy at the Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, director of International Management Center at UW and the Executive MBA@UW program, will host the event.
Webinar will take place on: Wednesday, May 27th, 2020 at 19.00 CEST
Taking part is free of charge, please register at: bit.ly/Weinnovators-7
See you there!
Executive MBA@UW Team
We cordially invite you to the third online meeting this year with the Director of Studies EMBA @ UW, dr. Tomasz Ludwicki.
We cordially invite you to another webinar for Candidates for Executive MBA studies at the University of Warsaw.
In connection with the announcement of the epidemic, the University of Warsaw Rector issued another decision on the functioning of teaching and administrative units of the University of Warsaw.
The International Management Center informs that according to the UoW Rector's Order of March 10, 2020, on preventing the spread of COVID-19 virus among the University community, all direct contact classes of the Executive MBA@UW program have been canceled.
At the same time, we would like to inform all our Students that we are carrying out online classes. As for the methods and media, we will communicate directly with groups of our Students through the Kampus platform and via email.
The 28th edition of the prestigious Executive MBA studies at the University of Warsaw is starting.
The upcomming date of the entrance examination session will take place on the 27th of June 2020.
On February 18, 2020, Dean of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, prof. dr hab. Alojzy Z. Nowak gave an interview to the Rzeczpospolita daily, in which he referred to key issues of modern economics - or more broadly - civilization, as well as challenges facing Polish universities, especially in view of the recent reform of the higher education system.
As many as 710 applications in open categories, i.e. 126 more than last year and 25 applications in closed categories - the 11th edition of the Success Written with Lipstick competition Businesswoman of the Year will be record-breaking! Last year's jubilee was a great success. As a reminder, we recorded over 584 nominations - 33 in closed categories and 551 in open categories.
Recruitment for the next, 27th edition of Executive MBA studies at the University of Warsaw has been completed.
Our EMBA@UW studies have once again taken the first place in the Eduniversal 2019 Ranking for Eastern Europe.
The Perspektywy Foundation has announced the Ranking of Polish Universities. In the public university category, the University of Warsaw, before the Jagiellonian University and the Warsaw University of Technology, took the first place again. In the category of Study Directions, subcategory Management, our Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw also took the first place ex aequo with the Warsaw School of Economics. The third place has been won by the Faculty of Management at the University of Economics in Poznań. More details are available at: http://www.wz.uw.edu.pl/aktualnosci/33461/ranking-uczelni-wyzszych-perspektywy-2019 |
We are extremely honored and proud that the AMBA (Association of MBAs) has again accredited our EMBA @ UW Program (Executive MBA at the University of Warsaw).
On Saturday, 16 March 2019, the match of Legia Warszawa and Śląsk Wrocław was accompanied by an extremely interesting business-mixer organized by our graduates.
The Warsaw-Illinois Executive MBA and Executive MBA "Nowy Świat" Associations invite you to a Xmass meeting at the Hybrydy Club, 7/9 Złota Str. at 7 pm.
We are extremely proud that the EMBA @ UW program took first place among MBA programs in Central and Eastern Europe, obtaining 5 Palms of Excellence and ahead of recognized programs from St. Petersburg, Ljubljana or Prague, as well as several Polish universities.
The Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw was once again recognized and appreciated by an international group of deans at the Eduniversal Business School Ranking. It has been the third consecutive year that we have received the title of the best business school in Poland and we rank third among the European schools.
As in each edition, also this year we have organized an integration trip for the whole group of students. Over 60 people visited Morsko in the Silesian voivodeship to take part in fantastic outdoor activities as well as indoor lectures and games.
Our Executive MBA @ UW program took first place, ex tie with the CEMBA SGH program in Warsaw and Executive MBA ALK, in the MBA Perspektywy 2018 Ranking!
Graduation Ceremony of the XXIVth Edition the Executive MBA Program at the University of Warsaw was held on Saturday, June 23, 2018 in the Senate Hall of the Kazimierzowski Palace at the University of Warsaw.
Graduates, current and prospective Executive MBA students met on October 5th, 2017 at the Proxima club in Warsaw on an informal meeting called Business Mixer. Nearly 100 people was watching the elimination match for the World Cup in which Poland faced Armenia.
The Executive MBA program @ UW is the partner of the 9th edition of the Businesswoman of the Year Competition, organized every year by the Success Written by Lipstick: www.sukcespisanyszminka.pl website.
We are delighted to invite you to the Inauguration of the 2017/2018 Executive MBA Program at the University of Warsaw, which will take place on Friday, 6 October 2017, at 6 pm in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Management, Warsaw University, 1st floor, building B, ul. Szturmowa 1/3, Warsaw.
Open Session!
This Saturday 23/09 at 13:00 in room 207 at Nowy Świat str. 4 in Warsaw, we invite you to an open session with prof. Prem Chandriani.
The Open Session is a great opportunity to meet EMBA @ UW from the lining.
Applications for the session are collected by phone: 226253283
More information about the lecturer:
We kindly inform you that due to the big interest with the Executive MBA program we have extended the recruitment process.
Please see the new exam dates and information session dates.
photo: Marcin Kluczek
On Saturday, July the 1st, 2017 at Senat Hall of Kazimierzowski Palace, at The University of Warsaw, the 23rd cohort of students graduated from Executive MBA Program at the University of Warsaw.
Prof. Alojzy Nowak, Prorector at the University of Warsaw, conducted The Ceremony which was attended by: prof. Monika Kostera, Durham University; dr. Tomasz Ludwicki, EMBA Director of Executive MBA Program, prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Karasiewicz, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching, the Graduates and their families. The ceremony was also attended by the EMBA partner: Mr. Jerzy Ciempiel – HR Director at ABB in Poland who handed over the awards for the best papers on strategy (ABB) as well as the best consulting projects granted by prof. Alojzy Nowak.
In May 2017 Our listeners participated in the "Doing Business in India" session, which took place in India.
The session was organized in collaboration with one of India's best business schools - S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR). The university, founded in 1981, has been consistently ranked among the top ten business schools in India since its inception, and also holds the world's most prestigious AMBA accreditation. Establishing a partnership with an Indian university has given our students the opportunity to get acquainted with the possibilities of establishing business contacts in the largest and one of the most dynamically developing regions of the world.
Executive MBA@UW Program’s partnership with Businesswoman of the 2016 Contest
Executive MBA@UW Program made a partner for the 8th edition of the Businesswoman of the Year Contest which has been organized annually by a portal Sukces Pisany Szminką. Gala Event, where all the statuettes and prizes were given, took place at the Senator Building in Warsaw on March 9, 2017.
We know the finalists of the contest Businesswoman of the Year 2016 organized by Sukces Pisany Szminką.
Vote for the Public Choice Businesswoman of the Year! You can vote from January 23 to March 4, 2017.
More information about the Contest: www.bizneswomanroku.pl
Prof. Maria Romanowska and dr Tomasz Ludwicki
photo: Adam Zegiel (source: www.perspektywy.pl)
On Wednesday, December 14, 2016, Educational Foundation “Perspektywy” announced the results of the MBA Perspektywy 2016 Ranking.
Program Executive MBA at University of Warsaw was ranked No 2 in general classification of all the MBA programs in Poland.
A detailed ranking list may be found here.
Executive MBA@UW Program made a partner for this year’s edition of the Businesswoman of the Year Contest which has been organized annually by a portal Sukces Pisany Szminką for the past seven years. Gala Event where all prizes will be given has been planned for March 2017 in Warsaw. In the meantime, please name your Candidate at the Contest site: http://bizneswomanroku.pl/
Executive MBA@UW Program made a partner for this year’s edition of the Businesswoman of the Year Contest which has been organized annually by a portal Sukces Pisany Szminką for the past six years. Gala Event where all the statuettes and prizes were given took place at the Warsaw Stock Exchange premises on February 25, 2016.
Annual Conference of the Program Executive MBA@UW Global Strategic Challenges 2016 took place on 22 January 2016 in the Centre of New Technologies of University of Warsaw, at ul. Banacha 2c, Warsaw. Each year it is one of the most important content-related meetings of our Graduates. Emerging theories, methods and tools in the area of management and challenges which managers of companies are facing were presented during the Conference.
On September 29, 2015, the Opening Ceremony for the New 2015/16 Academic Year of the Executive MBA Programs took place at the Senate Hall of the Kazimierzowski Palace at the main University of Warsaw campus located at Krakowskie Przedmieście Street.
The Ceremony ran Prof. Alojzy Nowak, v-ce Rector of the University of Warsaw, who welcomed all the faculty, students and guests.
The Ceremony’s guest lecture, titled “The role of emotional intelligence in the process of management” was delivered by dr. Leszek Czarnecki – a business leader, one of the richest Poles according to Forbes Magazine, a controlling shareholder of six, Warsaw Stock Exchange listed companies: Getin Holding, Getin Noble Bank, LC Corp, MW Trade, Open Finance oraz Idea Bank. In the beginning of his lecture, dr. Czarnecki presented three questions that should be posed by any student planning to take up university studies: “Is it worth to study?”, “Does university knowledge ensures success, in particular, in management and business?
On behalf of new Executive MBA students, Jan Pastwa delivered a short address on hopes and expectation he and his colleagues share regarding the Executive MBA Program. He also wished a successful process of learning that would give a lot of joy and satisfaction to all the EMBA students.
On Saturday, June 13th, 2015 at Senat Hall of Kazimierzowski Palace, at The University of Warsaw, the 22nd cohort of students graduated from Executive MBA Program at the University of Warsaw.
AACSB International - Established in 1916, (AACSB) is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business | ||
The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) - is an international association of business, public service organizations and consultancy in the field of management development |
International Management Center
1/3 Szturmowa Street
02-678 Warsaw, POLAND
tel/fax: +48 22 625 32 83
e-mail: [email protected]