
  • Invitation for Business Mixer DIGITAL HUB - February 2, 2023

    On behalf of the Management Board of the Warsaw-Illinois Executive MBA and Executive MBA@UW Alumni Association, we cordially invite you to participate in another Business Mixer, this time an industry one under the name DIGITAL BUSINESS HUB.

    The event is dedicated primarily to graduates/students of the MBA@UW program representing the IT industry, of course, graduates/students from other industries are also welcome.


  • Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  • Information session October 13 - SLEEPY BEARS


    The Executive MBA @ UW program is one of the best MBA programs in Poland - accredited by the international organizations AMBA and EQUIS and occupying leading positions in the rankings. Our students and graduates sit in the boards of leading companies in the country and abroad, successfully combining the practical knowledge gained during Executive MBA @ UW studies with their own professional experience.


  • Report from the Graduation of the 28th edition of EMBA @ UW



    Photo 1 Graduates of the XXVIII edition of Executive MBA @ UW together with J.M. Rector prof. dr hab. A. Z. Nowak, Dean of the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw, prof. dr hab. G. Karasiewicz, director of EMBA @ UW, dr. T. Ludwicki and dr. A. Manikowski, prof. N. Petruzzi, and prof. M. Grudziński.

    On Saturday, June 25, 2022, the Student Graduation ceremony of the XXVIII edition of the Executive MBA @ UW program took place at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw. This event was special because it could take place without COVID-19 restrictions on the number of invited guests. Thanks to this, our graduates could invite their families and friends to celebrate the end of the program and the receipt of the diploma together.


  • Celebration of EMBA @ UW lecturers for the 30th anniversary of the program - film and photos

    We cordially invite you to watch a short film from the Benefits of EMBA @ UW lecturers organized for the 30th anniversary of the program - film and photos taken by the EMBA @ UW Alumni Association in cooperation with EMBA @ UW.

    To view the photo report from the meeting, please visit the website



  • Information session MEET Your MBA - 14 July at 1pm.

    We invite you to an online meeting with MBA studies as part of the "Meet Your MBA" series. During the meeting, we will present the Executive MBA@UW - Executive MBA at UW program. Our webinar is a great opportunity to get to know the program and ask questions directly to the program representative. We meet on July 14, 2022 at 13:00
    Please register ->


  • Information sessions - Smart Eagles


    The Executive MBA @ UW program is one of the best MBA programs in Poland - accredited by the international organizations AMBA and EQUIS and occupying leading positions in the rankings. Our students and graduates sit in the boards of leading companies in the country and abroad, successfully combining the practical knowledge gained during Executive MBA @ UW studies with their own professional experience.

    During the studies, we offer engaging and at the same time extremely interesting classes. In the 2022/23 academic year, they will start as planned and will be conducted in a traditional form in the lecture hall. If, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is not possible for a while, we are 100% prepared to conduct online classes.


  • The Faculty of Management UW and EMBA@UW win the "triple crown"

    The Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw is the first university business school in Poland with the three most important accreditations: EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA.

    “We consistently follow the changing reality by combining the university tradition and modern methods of business education. We do it every day for the development of science, students and business "
    - Professor dr hab. Grzegorz Karasiewicz - Dean of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw

    The Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw gains "triple crown"!

    Only 1% of universities in the world have gained the "triple crown", which is why WZ UW is in the elite group of international universities that guarantee their students the highest level of education at the same standard.


  • Special Meeting with Professor Krzysztof Obłój

    On behalf of the Management Board of the Warsaw-Illinois Alumni Association and Executive MBA@UW, we cordially invite you to a special meeting with Professor Krzysztof Obłój - on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of our Executive MBA Program.


  • Report + photos from the Alumni event at LEGIA

    On April 2, 2022, another very successful event organized by the Warsaw-Illinois Executive MBA Alumni Association and Executive MBA @ UW took place at THE BOX at the Legia Warszawa stadium. About 110 graduates and students of the EMBA @ UW program participated in the meeting. The official part was led by Sylwester Wybranowski and Krzysztof Pajączek, respectively the President and Vice President of the Association.

    The speeches were inaugurated by a special guest, prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Karasiewicz - Dean of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw, and later Dr. Tomasz Ludwicki - Director of the Executive MBA @ UW Program took the floor.


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     AACSB International - Established in 1916, (AACSB) is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business


Association of MBAs (AMBA) - is an international association involved in research in the field of management studies 

    The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) - is an international association of business, public service organizations and consultancy in the field of management development

International Management Center

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02-678 Warsaw, POLAND

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