Dear Sir and Madam,
We are happy and proud to announce the success of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw in this year's "Perspektywy" Ranking of Study Directions.
In the group of economics, in the "Management" category, the studies conducted by the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw were recognized as the best in Poland, obtaining the maximum number of 100 points. Our Faculty shares the highest podium with the Kozminski University in Warsaw. The following positions were taken by: the Warsaw School of Economics and the Gdańsk University of Technology.
We invite you to participate in an online meeting with EMBA @ UW studies.
The idea that guided us during the organization of this series was the desire to bring EMBA studies closer to potential participants in a convenient way - through online meetings.
How can an individual investor earn on a boom in warehouses?
Which part of Europe is the most attractive in terms of investments in warehouse projects? What is the investment process of a warehouse project - how long does it take and how much can you earn? How has the warehouse real estate market developed in recent years and at what stage of expansion is it now? Has Covid influenced the investment real estate market? Why is the warehouse market so attractive nowadays?
Lecturers of the Executive MBA @ UW program
What distinguishes the Executive MBA at the University of Warsaw is the quality, diversity and skills of our lecturers. We carefully select our lecturers so that our students gain as much substantive and up-to-date knowledge as possible from people with a wide background.
In order for you to get to know some of them better, we will regularly present their profiles to you.
Flats more valuable than gold? What drives investments in the housing market?
Can the purchase of an apartment be a "vaccine" for investors for an uncertain time?
It will be a meeting of market experts and a discussion devoted to:
Time and place:
May 19, 2021 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
The Executive MBA @ UW program is one of the best MBA programs in Poland - accredited by international organizations AMBA and EQUIS and occupying leading places in rankings. Our students and graduates sit on the boards of leading companies in the country and abroad, successfully combining practical knowledge gained at Executive MBA @ UW with their own, often many years of professional experience.
During our studies, we offer engaging and extremely interesting activities. In the academic year 2020/21 they will start according to plan and will be conducted in the traditional form in the lecture hall. If this is not possible due to the coronavirus pandemic for some time, we are 100% prepared to conduct online classes. If you want to learn more - we invite you to an on-line information meeting. About the organization of studies, the curriculum, lecturers and everything that may interest the candidates, will tell dr Tomasz Ludwicki, Director of the EMBA @ UW program.
The meeting will take place on May 20th, 2021, between 5pm and 6:30pm.
We invite you to participate in an online meeting with EMBA @ UW studies.
The idea that guided us during the organization of this series was the desire to bring EMBA studies closer to potential participants in a convenient way - through online meetings.
We plan the next one on April 7, 2021 at 2 pm.
It will be devoted to the general themes of EMBA. During the meeting, we will present the most important information about the study program, accreditations, lecturers and graduates.
Participation in the meeting is free, but please register.
Press release, April 26, 2021
1st place in the Executive MBA @ UW program in Eastern Europe
in the EDUniversal Best Masters 2021 Ranking!
EDUniversal, an independent, international organization founded in 1994 in France, publishes its Ranking of the Best Masters in Management and MBA Programs Worldwide each year: EDUniversal Best Masters.
On Thursday, April 15, the inauguration of the 2nd edition of the Dean's Academy took place - a development program addressed to the top management of the University of Warsaw, financed by the Integrated Development Program for the University of Warsaw.
The program is implemented by the International Management Center at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw in cooperation with the Section for the development of competences of academic teachers operating at the Employee Affairs Office.
The Management Board of the Warsaw-Illinois Executive MBA and Executive MBA @ UW Alumni Association and IMC Direcotr invite members and supporters of the association to the next virtual meeting
"SPEED without borders - the economy of the data era"
Most of us understood that the digital world offers unlimited possibilities of contact with customers. It creates new earning opportunities for specific companies and even whole industries.
Do you already understand the mechanics of monetizing your data nowadays?
Do you know how to monetize your own data and create new business processes?
The English version of the book published by Aleksander Poniewierski in 2019 (which premiered in Poland in November last year) answers these questions.
AACSB International - Established in 1916, (AACSB) is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business | ||
The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) - is an international association of business, public service organizations and consultancy in the field of management development |
International Management Center
1/3 Szturmowa Street
02-678 Warsaw, POLAND
tel/fax: +48 22 625 32 83
e-mail: [email protected]