In September 2017 Alumni and Friends of the Executive MBA @ UW program celebrated their graduation on a cruise in the picturesque Sardinia and Corsica. The trip was a great opportunity to tighten the relationships that had been formed during the course of studies, as well as a wonderful holiday in the most beautiful scenery. Detailed description written by the participants and supplemented with photos is available in pdf - HERE.
Graduates, current and prospective Executive MBA students met on October 5th, 2017 at the Proxima club in Warsaw on an informal meeting called Business Mixer. Nearly 100 people was watching the elimination match for the World Cup in which Poland faced Armenia.
The Executive MBA program @ UW is the partner of the 9th edition of the Businesswoman of the Year Competition, organized every year by the Success Written by Lipstick: website.
We are delighted to invite you to the Inauguration of the 2017/2018 Executive MBA Program at the University of Warsaw, which will take place on Friday, 6 October 2017, at 6 pm in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Management, Warsaw University, 1st floor, building B, ul. Szturmowa 1/3, Warsaw.
Open Session!
This Saturday 23/09 at 13:00 in room 207 at Nowy Świat str. 4 in Warsaw, we invite you to an open session with prof. Prem Chandriani.
The Open Session is a great opportunity to meet EMBA @ UW from the lining.
Applications for the session are collected by phone: 226253283
More information about the lecturer:
We invite you to join the information session about the emba programe at UW, that will be a webinar delivered by dr Tomasz Ludwicki.
The session will take place on the 7th of September at 1 pm.
for rejestration click the link below:
We kindly inform you that due to the big interest with the Executive MBA program we have extended the recruitment process.
Please see the new exam dates and information session dates.
We invite everyone interested to the information session for the XXV cohort of the Executive MBA program,
Which will take place:
On wednesday September 13, 2017 at 6.00 pm
at the MCZ UW: Nowy Świat str. 4, Warsaw
photo: Marcin Kluczek
On Saturday, July the 1st, 2017 at Senat Hall of Kazimierzowski Palace, at The University of Warsaw, the 23rd cohort of students graduated from Executive MBA Program at the University of Warsaw.
Prof. Alojzy Nowak, Prorector at the University of Warsaw, conducted The Ceremony which was attended by: prof. Monika Kostera, Durham University; dr. Tomasz Ludwicki, EMBA Director of Executive MBA Program, prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Karasiewicz, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching, the Graduates and their families. The ceremony was also attended by the EMBA partner: Mr. Jerzy Ciempiel – HR Director at ABB in Poland who handed over the awards for the best papers on strategy (ABB) as well as the best consulting projects granted by prof. Alojzy Nowak.
In May 2017 Our listeners participated in the "Doing Business in India" session, which took place in India.
The session was organized in collaboration with one of India's best business schools - S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR). The university, founded in 1981, has been consistently ranked among the top ten business schools in India since its inception, and also holds the world's most prestigious AMBA accreditation. Establishing a partnership with an Indian university has given our students the opportunity to get acquainted with the possibilities of establishing business contacts in the largest and one of the most dynamically developing regions of the world.
Information session for candidates for the new cohort will take place on:
Wednesday, May 31, 18.00
in the venue of our Program at Nowy Świat 4, 2nd fl.
Please register
Information session for candidates for the new cohort will take place on:
Saturday, May 20, 12.00
in the venue of our Program at Nowy Świat 4, 2nd fl.
Please register
We are proud to announce that in the latest edition of Eduniversal ranking of the best Executive MBA's Programs in Central and Eastern Europe, emba@uw was ranked #2 being the best Polish EMBA program in the rank.
Information session for candidates for the new cohort will take place on:
Saturday, April 22, 12.30
in the venue of our Program at Nowy Świat 4, 2nd fl., room 200.
Please register
Executive MBA@UW Program’s partnership with Businesswoman of the 2016 Contest
Executive MBA@UW Program made a partner for the 8th edition of the Businesswoman of the Year Contest which has been organized annually by a portal Sukces Pisany Szminką. Gala Event, where all the statuettes and prizes were given, took place at the Senator Building in Warsaw on March 9, 2017.
Information session for candidates for the new cohort will take place on:
Saturday, April 7, 6 p.m
in the venue of our Program at Nowy Świat 4, 2nd fl., room 200.
Please register
Information session for candidates for the new cohort will take place on:
Saturday, March 18, 12.30
in the venue of our Program at Nowy Świat 4, 2nd fl., room 200.
Please register
We know the finalists of the contest Businesswoman of the Year 2016 organized by Sukces Pisany Szminką.
Vote for the Public Choice Businesswoman of the Year! You can vote from January 23 to March 4, 2017.
More information about the Contest:
Prof. Maria Romanowska and dr Tomasz Ludwicki
photo: Adam Zegiel (source:
On Wednesday, December 14, 2016, Educational Foundation “Perspektywy” announced the results of the MBA Perspektywy 2016 Ranking.
Program Executive MBA at University of Warsaw was ranked No 2 in general classification of all the MBA programs in Poland.
A detailed ranking list may be found here.
Executive MBA@UW Program made a partner for this year’s edition of the Businesswoman of the Year Contest which has been organized annually by a portal Sukces Pisany Szminką for the past seven years. Gala Event where all prizes will be given has been planned for March 2017 in Warsaw. In the meantime, please name your Candidate at the Contest site:
Information session for candidates for the new cohort will take place on:
Thursday, September 8, 6.00 p.m.
in the venue of our Program at Nowy Świat 4, 2nd fl., room 200.
Please register
Information session for candidates for the new cohort will take place on:
Saturday May 21, 12.00 a.m.
in the venue of our Program at Nowy Świat 4, 2nd fl., room 200.
Please register
Program EMBA@UW is profoundly sad to announce the death of our lecturer, prof. Nigel B.F. Allington, Fellow and Director of Studies in Economics at University of Cambridge, Research Professor of Applied Macroeconomics at Ecole de Management Grenoble University and Downing College University of Cambridge.
Information session for candidates for the new cohort will take place on:
Saturday April 2nd, 12.00 a.m.
in the venue of our Program at Nowy Świat 4, 2nd fl., room 200.
We invite you to participate on the same day in a lecture delivered by prof. Nigel F.B. Allington - Fellow and Director of Studies in Economics at University of Cambridge, Research Professor of Applied Macroeconomics at Ecole de Management Grenoble University and Downing College University of Cambridge.
Please register
Executive MBA@UW Program made a partner for this year’s edition of the Businesswoman of the Year Contest which has been organized annually by a portal Sukces Pisany Szminką for the past six years. Gala Event where all the statuettes and prizes were given took place at the Warsaw Stock Exchange premises on February 25, 2016.
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The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) - is an international association of business, public service organizations and consultancy in the field of management development |
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