We are proud to announce that in the latest edition of Eduniversal ranking of the best Executive MBA's Programs in Central and Eastern Europe, emba@uw was ranked #3.
Annual Conference of the Program Executive MBA@UW Global Strategic Challenges 2016 took place on 22 January 2016 in the Centre of New Technologies of University of Warsaw, at ul. Banacha 2c, Warsaw. Each year it is one of the most important content-related meetings of our Graduates. Emerging theories, methods and tools in the area of management and challenges which managers of companies are facing were presented during the Conference.
On Tuesday, December 8, 2015, Educational Foundation “Perspektywy” announced the results of the MBA Perspektywy 2015 Ranking.
Executive MBA@UW Program was named the most prestigious MBA program in Poland.
In general classification, our Program was ranked No 2 among all best MBA programs in Poland.
On September 29, 2015, the Opening Ceremony for the New 2015/16 Academic Year of the Executive MBA Programs took place at the Senate Hall of the Kazimierzowski Palace at the main University of Warsaw campus located at Krakowskie Przedmieście Street.
The Ceremony ran Prof. Alojzy Nowak, v-ce Rector of the University of Warsaw, who welcomed all the faculty, students and guests.
The Ceremony’s guest lecture, titled “The role of emotional intelligence in the process of management” was delivered by dr. Leszek Czarnecki – a business leader, one of the richest Poles according to Forbes Magazine, a controlling shareholder of six, Warsaw Stock Exchange listed companies: Getin Holding, Getin Noble Bank, LC Corp, MW Trade, Open Finance oraz Idea Bank. In the beginning of his lecture, dr. Czarnecki presented three questions that should be posed by any student planning to take up university studies: “Is it worth to study?”, “Does university knowledge ensures success, in particular, in management and business?
On behalf of new Executive MBA students, Jan Pastwa delivered a short address on hopes and expectation he and his colleagues share regarding the Executive MBA Program. He also wished a successful process of learning that would give a lot of joy and satisfaction to all the EMBA students.
On Saturday, June 13th, 2015 at Senat Hall of Kazimierzowski Palace, at The University of Warsaw, the 22nd cohort of students graduated from Executive MBA Program at the University of Warsaw.
All the WIEMBA and Executive MBA@UW Graduates are invited to the Homecoming where all the good memories and a lot of fun are to be shared – on June 12, 2015 in Warsaw.
All the Graduates interested in taking a part in the Ball are requested to contact the Executive MBA Alumni Association at: [email protected]
Annual Research Project „CEOs’ Perspectives” is addressed to the CEOs of 500 largest companies in Poland, listed in the “Top 500 by Rzeczpospolita”. Comprehending CEOs perspectives on key strategies and conditions, influencing organizational growth of enterprises of fundamental importance to the Polish economy, makes its goal.
On Thursday, November 20, 2014, Educational Foundation “Perspektywy” announced the results of the MBA Perspektywy 2014 Ranking.
EMBA@UW Program was named No 2 among all best MBA Programs in Poland, thus being the most highly ranked among all the programs offered by public universities and business schools.
On Saturday, June 7th, 2014 at Senat Hall of Kazimierzowski Palace, at The University of Warsaw, the 21st cohort of students graduated from the Warsaw – Illinois Executive MBA Program.
On July 6th, 2014, at The International Management Center of The University of Warsaw, a meeting of the Executive MBA Program’s graduates and friends was organized for a triple occasion: Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the first Graduation, Inauguration of the new edition of the Executive MBA@UW Program, and International accreditation awarded to the Program by Association of MBAs, AMBA.
In March 2014, the students of the Program participated in a session "Doing Business in India", which is held in India from this year on.
April 24, 2014, 18.00 - 20.00
Leadership: Balancing the Many and the One
Pls. join us for the meeting with a honorable guest speaker - prof. Mike Pratt of Boston College who will bring some of the current research on leadership and how it influences the management process within any organization.
Pls. join us for the coming meeting of our Alumni Association which will be dedicated to the topic of “Creating Value through Healthy Organizations”, presented by prof. Marc Weinstein of Florida International University in Miami, US. The meeting will take place on: Tuesday, March 25, 2014, at. 18.00; at The International Management Center, University of Warsaw; 4 Nowy Świat St., Warsaw; 2nd floor, Lecture Room No 200
On Tuesday, September 4, 2013, Jacek Santorski, a well known and recognized business psychologist, made a guest of the meeting organized by the Executive MBA Alumni Association.
On Saturday, June 29th, 2013 at Senat Hall of Kazimierzowski Palace, at The University of Warsaw, the 20th cohort of students graduated from the Warsaw – Illinois Executive MBA Program.
On the 20th of June, 2013, at the premises of the International Management Center at The University of Warsaw, presentation of a research study "HR Perspective", carried out among the HR directors of the largest companies in Poland by MCZ UW team in collaboration with PwC , Polish Association of Human Resources Management and PKN Orlen.
On the 24th of June, 2013, at the International Management Center in Warsaw, the research project’s presentation "CEOs’ Perspectives” took place. The project was addressed to the CEOs of the largest companies in Poland, according to „ The List Top 500 by Rzeczpospolita.”
On Thursday, 23th of May 2013, the Executive MBA program graduates had the opportunity to meet General Gromosław Czempiński, the former head of UOP, who spoke about early days of his career, business in the country and abroad, and the verification process within the change of the political system in Poland.
On the 3rd April 2013, at the premises of The UW Faculty of Management, Mr. Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, a Polish Prime Minister in 1991, politician, economist, a former CEO of Bank Pekao SA, and a member of the Economic Council of the Prime Minister of Poland, made a special guest of the Alumni Association meeting.
On Monday, March 18, 2013, Krzysztof Jędrzejewski made the WIEMBA Alumni Association guest speaker who shared his experience in business, values believed and CSR activities taken.
On February 27, 2013, at 18.00 at the UW International Management Center’s lecture hall, another meeting of members and friends of the Executive MBA Alumni Association took place.
WIEMBA graduates, Tomasz Dalach and Marcin Mikołajczyk, were named ones of the most creative people in Polish business by the „Brief” magazine.
On Tuesday, January 22, 2013, at 4 Nowy Świat Street in Warsaw, the WIEMBA Revitalized Premises’ Grand Opening and Inauguration of the Executive MBA Club took place.
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The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) - is an international association of business, public service organizations and consultancy in the field of management development |
International Management Center
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